Every year the wonderful people in Tipperary Cumann na mBunscol make GAA equipment available to schools at subsidised prices. An order form has been sent home with the children but if it gets lost then you can access another one by clicking the link below and printing it out.
Please return the form and the correct payment in an envelope with your child's name on it to the school, on or before Friday February 23rd.
How to choose the correct size of hurley for your child.
1. The child stands naturally and relaxed with their hands down by their sides.
2. The the top of the hurley should come up to the child's wrist.
3. The child should be able to hold the hurley at the top and the hurley should be just touching the ground.
4. If the child is between sizes it is better to have the hurley too small than too big.
5. If the child can use the hurley like a sword then it is the correct weight.