Our Lady's N.S.

Our Lady's N.S.
Our Lady's N.S. is a six teacher primary school in Ballingarry, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Monday, 9 November 2020

Annual Admission Notice

Our Lady’s N.S. Ballingarry


in respect of admissions to the 2021/2022 school year


Admission Policy and Application Form

A copy of the school’s Admission Policy is available on ourladysns.blogspot.com  and the Application Form for Admission for the 2021/22 school year is available, on request, as follows:

By email: ourladysns@gmail.com

By phone: 052 9154533

In writing: Our Lady’s N.S, Ballingarry, Thurles, Co.Tipperary.  


Application and Decision Dates for admission to Junior Infants for the 2021/22 school year.


The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 


The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on 


The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is    


The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is




Note: the school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy.




Number of places being made available in the 2012/22 school year

The number of places being made available in junior infants is.



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Our Lady's N.S. Ballingarry, Thurles, Co Tipperary. - Roll No. 20475M

Phone: 052 9154533. Email: ourladysns@gmail.com

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Board of Management: Kathleen Walton (Chairperson), Deirdre Egan, Fr Derry Quirke, Áine McGrath, Oliver Gleeson, Tom Butler, Louise Shelly, Peter Hanlon

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Jersey Day

 Well done and thank you to all who supported GOAL Jersey Day at Our Lady's N.S. 

Together we raised €192 for this very worthy charity.

Halloween Fancy Dress

 Halloween was very different this year at Our Lady's N.S. Social distancing was the order of the day as we held our Fancy Dress Parade outside. One thing that didn't change though, was the fantastic effort our students made in dressing up for the day. They looked brilliant! Well done to all and Happy Halloween.

Halloween Fancy Dress Parade


2020 has been a pretty scary year. Halloween at Our Lady's was a different and an altogether nicer kind of scary. Have a look at our Junior and Senior Infants on their Halloween Fancy Dress Parade.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Our Lady's N.S. Pumpkin Soup Recipe

One of the highlights of the annual Halloween Dress Up Day at Our Lady's N.S. has always been Mrs. Egan's pumpkin soup. Unfortunately, due to the constraints of the COVID-19 restrictions, Mrs. Egan and her Sixth Class helpers will be unable to make and share the soup this year.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Egan has shared her recipe here so that we can all have a go at making it at home this year.


Our Lady's N.S. Pumpkin Soup Recipe

You will need: A grown up to help with all the chopping, cooking and blending!

A big saucepan and lid.

A hand held blender


2 onions (chopped).

3 sticks of celery (chopped).

3 cloves of garlic ( chopped...to keep the vampires away!!)

3 carrots (peeled and chopped).

1 pumpkin ( chop the orange flesh inside..don't use the seeds or the stringy bits!)

A small shake of thyme.

A big shake of parsley.

Vegetable stock cubes/melts.


Cooking oil or butter.

Salt and pepper.


Heat a little oil or butter in a large sauce pan on a medium heat.

Fry the onions and celery until they start to soften.

Add the garlic..stir and cook for a minute.

Add the chopped carrots...stir..Turn down the heat if the food is going brown.

Add a small shake of thyme and a big shake of parsley. Add salt and pepper.

Add the chopped pumpkin....don't worry if it all won't fit.Just fill two thirds of the pot. Stir

Put on the lid and let the vegetables sweat for 5-10 minutes to bring out the flavour.Stir every

now and then.

Cover the vegetables with water, turn up the heat and bring to the boil.

Add 3 stock melts and stir.

Turn down the heat and simmer until all the vegetables are soft.

Take off the heat and blend with a hand blender until the soup is creamy and there are no


Taste the soup and add an extra stock melt, some salt and pepper if it tastes watery.

Add extra boiling water if it is too thick.

Serve and enjoy!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

School Calendar - 2020/21

                                               School Closures

Halloween Mid-Term – Monday 26th to Friday 30th October inclusive. School re-opens Mon 2nd November

Tuesday 8th December -Closed

Christmas Holidays – Tues 22nd Dec at 12noon. School re-opens Wed 6th January 2021

February Mid-Term Break - Monday 15th to Friday 19th Feb inclusive.  School re-opens Mon 22nd

Wednesday 17th March - Closed

Easter Holidays – Friday 26th March at 12noon. School re-opens Mon 12th April

Bank Holiday – Mon 3rd May

Bank Holiday – Monday 7th June

Summer Holidays – Friday 25th June at 12noon


* School will close at 12noon for Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays only.



Newsletter - September 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians


Welcome Note

On behalf of the staff of Our Lady’s N.S., I would like to welcome each child and parent back to school!!   A special welcome to our new junior infants and to the O’ Shea family.

We wish our Graduates of 2020 all the best in their years ahead in Secondary School.


Thank You

There are many people I wish to thank for their help and support in getting our school ready to re-open safely.

Thank you to the Board of Management for their hard work and support.  Thank you to Evelyn for her hard work during the Summer for having the school looking so well on our return and for her tremendous work on our Schools Enhanced Cleaning Programme.

Thank you to the Board members and Parent volunteers who gave their time and use of their machinery and facilities for the huge task of removing the overgrown trees from our school and for their help in cleaning out the storage unit

The view and the light created have really enhanced our school environment.

Thank you to the Parents Council for all their hard work and for the wonderful job they did in organising our Book Rental Scheme.

Thank you to Liam Ryan for taking over the grass cutting from Michael Kavanagh.

Thank you to Eddie Hearne for installing our beautiful new storage units in the Infant room, for installing the nineteen hand sanitising dispensers, for carrying out repairs in the prefab and many other maintenance jobs throughout the Summer.

Thank you to Pat Walton for powerwashing the school yard.

Thank you to Rose and all the staff for their hard work in decluttering the school , re-organising classrooms and helping with logistics and for their continued engagement with the Schools Enhanced Cleaning Programme.

Thank you to the children and parents for your ongoing support and co-operation in getting back to school safely.



Mrs Egan               Principal                Junior/Senior Infants

Mr Gleeson            Deputy Principal    5th / 6th Class

Mrs O’ Dea                                         1st /2nd Class

Ms Mason                                           3rd / 4th Class

Ms O’ Connor                                      S.E.T

Ms Conway                                          S.E.T 

Mrs O’ Brien                                       S.N.A

Ms Moriarty                                       Supply Teacher

Rose Gahan                                         Secretary

Evelyn Healy                                       Cleaner


I am delighted to welcome our new staff members Ms Conway, Mrs O’ Brien and Ms Moriarty to Our Lady’s N.S.                        


Pupil Personal Insurance

We would encourage all parents to avail of the pupil personal insurance scheme.  This gives 24 hour insurance for your child at the cost of €9 for 24hr cover or €6 for in school cover only.  Please return forms and money to the school by Friday 25th Sept.


Day to Day Rules / Annual Consent Form

Day to Day rules and Annual Consent forms must be signed by all parents/students and returned to the school by Friday 25th Sept please. 



Monday, Wednesday & Friday – Full Uniform

Tuesday & Thursday – P.E. Uniform



We are currently in the process of setting up Aladdin School software for Admin.

Please see attached parent information letter.

Contact Information

Please inform the school if you change your contact details (phone/emails) or address.


Garda Vetting

All parent volunteers who help in any areas of school life must be garda vetted.

Garda Vetting Forms available in the office.

P.E. Programme

GAA Coaching will commence on Tuesday 29th September for 1st – 6th Class with all necessary protocols in place for safety re Covid 19.

Each child needs a change of shoes for the field.

We will start with Football so each child must have their own gumshields.

Hurling will be later in the year, each child must have their own helmet and hurley.



If your child is absent you must write a note stating reason for absence.  It can be written into your child’s diary. *If a pupil is absent 20 days or more we are legally obliged to notify the Education Welfare Board and you will probably receive a visit from Education Welfare Officer.

When infants are absent Mrs Egan will give them a slip to fill in on their return.

Absences may be recorded by parent on the Aladdin App in a few weeks time.


*Requisites Money

We would like to take this opportunity to ask parents who may not yet have sent in the requisites money to do so as soon as possible please.  Thank you to the parents who have already done so.

Junior/Senior Infants €15, 1st to 6th class €17.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of all our staff and students is of paramount importance to school management.

I would strongly urge any parent with any issues related to any area of school life to follow proper procedures in having the matter dealt with.

Please follow all guidelines as per our Schools Logistics Plan already emailed to all parents and also available on our website ourladysns.blogspot.ie. Check emails for updates.

If you have to collect your child early please email the school the day before where possible.


Office Hours

Rose, our secretary is available in the office Mon – Thurs from 9.30am – 1.30pm.


I hope all our school community have a happy and successful year ahead in Our Lady’s N.S.


Thanking you

Mrs Egan


Tuesday, 25 August 2020

When to Keep Your Child at Home From School - Advice from the HSE


Here is some important and helpful information from the HSE with regard to keeping your child safe as they return to school.
A larger version of these posters can be found here.

Back to School - Advice for Parents

The gov.ie website has compiled lots of helpful tips and advice for parents about getting their children ready for returning to school.

There is an informative and helpful section about protecting your child from Coronavirus and some child friendly videos to help set your child's mind at ease.

The site contains some important information and we would recommend that all parents take a look at it.

Information for students and families about returning to school

Protecting your child from Coronavirus

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Resources for Parents of New Junior Infants


Here are some helpful resources for parents of new Junior Infant children, to help prepare their child and themselves for the step up to 'Big School'.

Starting primary school is an important and exciting time for young children and parents alike. Many parents wonder if there is anything that they can do at home to support their child’s learning as he/she gets ready for junior infants, and the answer is ‘Yes, there is’! Click on the link below to find videos and tip sheets with some practical advice for parents.


 Let’s Get Ready, a resource to provide guidance for parents, teachers and Early Learning and Care (ELC) practitioners in supporting children’s transition from ELC settings to primary school, available at https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/a8d8f-ready-for-school/

The Let’s Play Ireland website: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/lets-play-ireland/

Guidance developed by NEPS on how the transition from pre-school to primary school can be supported, available at https://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Services/National-Educational-Psychological-Service-NEPS-/guidance-transitioning-pre-school-to-primary-school.pdf

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Green Flag

There may be no flags flying above Our Lady's NS at the moment but the good news is that when we get back to school we'll have another new flag to fly proudly from our flagpole.

That's right, this week, Our Lady's NS were awarded our fourth Green Schools Green Flag. Our new flag, which we earned through our work on the theme of Travel will be added to our Litter and Waste, Energy and Water flags.

This is a tremendous accomplishment for our school and one we could not have achieved without the hard work and support of all our students and those in the school community.

Special mention of course must go to Mrs O'Dea and her fantastic Green Schools Committee who really lead by example through their hard work and creativity and were the driving force behind achieving this award.

Well done to all!

The 2019/20 Green Schools Committee were:
Cormac Boylan, Eoin Boylan, Tom Corcoran, Darragh Croke, Grace Egan, James Egan, Rachel Hanlon, Órla McAree, Colin Murray, Hannah Murray, Róisín Norton, Oisín O'Brien and Tadhg O'Brien.

Relaxation and Self-Regulation Tools for Children

The PDST Primary Health and Wellbeing Team have developed a new resource for primary schools.

'Breathe - Self-Regulation and Relaxation Techniques for Children' features a range of calming breathing techniques, written activities and guided visualisations that children can use to bring about a sense of peace and comfort in any situation. The resource is suitable for children of all ages and class levels. 

The resource is available to access and download from 

Friday, 1 May 2020

Friday, 3 April 2020

Advice to Young People While Schools are Closed

Follow this link for some very helpful and practical advice about dealing with the stresses of social distancing and the boredom of having to stay at home.

Stay Responsible & Informed 
Stay Active & Connected 
Stay Positive & Calm

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Free Online Children's News Magazines

Click on the link below to get free access to three online children's news magazines.
News Flash - 7 years and older
The Primary Planet - 9 years and older
EIPIC: Gaelscoilleanna - Rang a Sé and the Junior Cycle of secondary schools

The access is free as long as schools are closed.

An Introduction to Coding

Coding is basically the computer language used to create software, apps and websites. Many of tommorrow's jobs will be based around coding. Here's the thing, coding is actually fun.

Code.org is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to promoting computer science in schools and is a great introduction to the world of coding.

Why not click on the link below to access a video led, hands on tutorial to see if coding is for you?


Monday, 30 March 2020

How to help your child balance their online and offline lives during isolation

Zeeko are an Irish company who support children's online well-being. www.zeeko.ie
We asked them a few years ago to visit Our Lady's to speak to parents and children about online safety.
They sent us this information this morning about a colouring competition and a webinar that they are currently running. We thought that some parents may be interested.

Schools, parents and pupils have new challenges learning remotely. Subsequently, there are additional risks online e.g. excessive internet use. To support each group Zeeko has provided the FREE resources below which you are free to share.

Here is a colouring competition for primary school children to learn how to balance their online and offline lives, and to connect with their loved ones during isolation. This worksheet aligns with the SPHE curriculum.

Closing Date for Entries: Friday the 3rd of April

Download HERE

How to help your child balance their online and offline lives during isolation.
This FREE 45 minute webinar will help parents of primary school children understand the challenges and opportunities of online and offline activities during isolation. Tips will be given to support parents to effectively manage excessive internet use.

Date: Wednesday the 1st of April at 20:00

Register HERE

Best Regards
Joe Kenny
Zeeko Founder

Friday, 27 March 2020

School Transport Online Ticket Application

Applications for School Transport for the new school year (2020/21) are currently open and can be accessed online at www.buseireann.ie/schooltransport.

Details of the scheme are also available on the Bus Éireann website, Facebook page and https://www.education.ie/en/Parents/Services/School-Transport/

The closing date for applications is Friday 24th April 2020

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Coronavirus/Covid-19 Information for Students and Parents

Latest Update - Wedneday, March 25th.
Covid-19 (Corona Virus): A Guide for Parents on supporting children and young people with daily routines while schools are closed
Guide for Parents Supporting Children with Routines

For the latest updates from the Department of Education and Skills re: COVID-19 please click on the link below.

Latest Update - Thursday, March 12th.
For the latest updates from the Department of Education and Skills re: COVID-19 please click on the link below.

Latest Update - Wednesday, March 11th.
For the latest updates from the Department of Education and Skills re: COVID-19 please click on the link below.

For advice on talking to children and young people, please click on the link below.

We would also like to direct your attention to a child-friendly interview that Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn did with RTÉ’s new2day programme last week, that may also be a useful resource when talking about Covid-19 with children.

Latest Update - Monday, March 2nd
For the latest updates from the Department of Education and Skills re: COVID-19 please click on the link below.

Chief Medical Officer advice to parents

The Chief Medical Officer from the Department of Health, Dr Tony Holohan, has issued the following letter to parents of school children travelling from affected regions.

The Department of Education and Skills has updated information for schools, preschools and third level institutions on Covid-19; provided by the Department of Health and HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre following a meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team.
Public health doctors are available to liaise with schools and advise on precautions if staff and/or students have any concerns.
Anyone who has been to affected regions in the last 14 days and has a cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or fever should self-isolate and phone their GP immediately.
Anyone who has travelled from the affected regions and has no symptoms should visit http://www.hse.ie/ for advice.
The most important action we can take to protect ourselves from Covid-19 is regular hand-washing and good respiratory hygiene.
As further advice or information is provided, it will be issued to schools and posted on the Department’s website.
Travel advice for all Irish citizens is provided through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Note - The Covid-19 affected regions are listed as mainland China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Iran and the following regions of northern Italy - Lombardy, Veneto Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont.

WOW Day - Friday, March 13th.


Dear Parents,
As you are aware, Our Lady’s NS has been successfully engaged in An Taisce’s Green-Schools programme for many years. We are extremely proud of our achievements to date and are now working towards our fourth Green Flag for Travel.

It’s time to SPRING into action!

As part of this work, we will launch our WOW (Walk Once a Week) campaign on     
Friday March 13th .

We are encouraging students and parents to leave their car at home and walk to school, where possible.

 We are aware that walking to school will not be an option for all families. With this in mind we are also encouraging Park n’ Stride.  The Green-School’s committee, along with their An Taisce Education Officer Chiara Hanrahan, have identified the Ballingarry GAA field car park suitable for this purpose. Here you can park and walk to school safely with your child.

Car Pooling (lift sharing) is also encouraged. Boys and girls travelling to school on the bus are already travelling in a sustainable way.

As part of this, the committee will be keeping record of how each child travels to school for ten consecutive school days initially and then one day a week thereafter.

Should this initiative be a success, we will see many benefits. Not only will you be helping to directly address the issues associated with our over reliance on fossil fuels, but also the air around the school will be cleaner! The children will benefit directly from the additional exercise (and fresh air), and the school environment will be safer for all owing to the reduction of cars in the area.

We are excited about this new initiative and hope you can come onboard.


Mrs. Egan                                               Mrs. O’ Dea                               Chiara Hanrahan
Principal                                               GS Coordinator                                 An Taisce

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Class of the Month - January 2020

Our Class of the Month for January was 3rd and 4th Class.
Well done and keep up the good work.

Writers of the Month - January 2020

 Well done to our Writers of the Month for January.

How to Choose the Correct Hurley Size.

Subsidized hurleys, helmets, hurling gloves and footballs will be available to order through the school for the next two weeks. Order forms will be sent home with the children.  
The helmets are particularly good value at €35 which is about half the recommended retail price.

For those wishing to order hurleys but who are unsure of sizes here is how to choose the correct size.

1. The child stands naturally and relaxed with their hands down by their sides.
2. The the top of the hurley should come up to the child's wrist.
3. The child should be able to hold the hurley at the top and the hurley should be just touching the ground.
4. If the child is between sizes it is better to have the hurley too small than too big.
5. If the child can use the hurley like a sword then it is the correct weight.

Synthetic Hurleys
This year it is also possible to purchase the new Mycro Evolution synthetic hurley.
Follow the link below for more information.

Sizes 20", 22", 24" and 26" are priced at €15
Sizes 28" and 30" are priced at €18
Sizes 31" and 32" are priced at €21

If interested talk to Mr Gleeson at the school before March 4th.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

County Colours Day

Our Lady's NS raised almost €150 for Tipperary Cumann na mBunscol on County Colours Day. Well done and thank you to all who contributed.

Teaching Staff for January to September

Junior and Senior Infants - Mrs Deirdre Egan (Principal)
First and Second Class - Mrs Aisling O'Dea
Third and Fourth Class - Miss Lorna Cody
Fifth and Sixth Class - Mr Oliver Gleeson
SET - Miss Niamh O'Connor and Miss Niamh Fitzgerald.

New Year, New Principal

When the students of Our Lady's N.S. stumbled back into school after a long and indulgent Christmas break they had a new Principal to greet them.
We were lucky that when Ms O'Sullivan retired we had a ready made replacement close at hand to step into the breach.
So, congratulations Mrs Egan and we all wish you the very best of luck (not that you'll need it) in your new position.
Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat!

The changing of the guard!

Farewell to Ms O'Sullivan

December the 20th. marked the end of the first term and as is customary we celebrated with a Children's Christmas Mass in the school. Our thanks to Fr Quirke as always, for a lovely, meaningful ceremony. This was followed of course by our Bumper Christmas raffle. Thanks to all our sponsors, thank you to our Parents' Council for their help in organising it and of course, well done to all the winners.

December the 20th. marked the end of something else as well though. This was the date of Ms. O'Sullivan's retirement.
Ms. O'Sullivan, who had been our Rural Coordinator for two years...
Ms. O'Sullivan, who had been our Principal for over nine years...
Ms. O'Sullivan, who made sure that no child was left wanting for anything on her watch...
Ms. O'Sullivan, who brought learning to our classrooms, leadership to our staffroom and sensitivity to our parents' room...

Yes, that Ms. O'Sullivan!
We really enjoyed having her as our Principal and we wish her all the best in her retirement.