Our Lady's N.S.

Our Lady's N.S.
Our Lady's N.S. is a six teacher primary school in Ballingarry, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Monday, 2 January 2023

December Assembly

 Our December Assembly had an undeniable Christmas feel taking place as it did on the day of the holidays. Our students (and staff) looked great in their festive garb as Mrs Egan complimented them for their good behaviour during Tuesday's mass and raffle.

The Writers and Mathematicians of the Month were announced to rapturous applause and the four lucky winners of the Mystery Bags (for good attendance) were chosen.

The big announcement of course was the revealing of the December Class of the Month...... and it was Third and Fourth Class who secured that honour. Well done to Ms Mason and her students.

Hot Chocolate and Cookies

 Many thanks to our Parents' Council for providing a real Christmas treat for our students just before the holidays. All classes were treated to a cup of hot chocolate, a festive lollipop, cookies and a big dollop of Christmas cheer!

Library Club

 Ms Conway's Library Club have been very busy since their formation last term. They are currently working their way through our stock of library books, sorting them and grouping them so as to make it easier for our students to find the books they want. They are compiling lists of books to source for our library and have made wonderful posters to promote reading.

One of their great ideas was the creation of the Cosy Corner - a place to relax and enjoy reading or being read to. Our photo below shows some of the Senior Room students reading to the Infant Class, making full use of the Cosy Corner. 

Infant Nativity


Well done to Mrs Egan's class for a wonderful performance of The Nativity. All of the other classes got the opportunity to enjoy it, as did the parents. Well done everybody.