Our Lady's N.S.

Our Lady's N.S.
Our Lady's N.S. is a six teacher primary school in Ballingarry, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

School Calendar - 2020/21

                                               School Closures

Halloween Mid-Term – Monday 26th to Friday 30th October inclusive. School re-opens Mon 2nd November

Tuesday 8th December -Closed

Christmas Holidays – Tues 22nd Dec at 12noon. School re-opens Wed 6th January 2021

February Mid-Term Break - Monday 15th to Friday 19th Feb inclusive.  School re-opens Mon 22nd

Wednesday 17th March - Closed

Easter Holidays – Friday 26th March at 12noon. School re-opens Mon 12th April

Bank Holiday – Mon 3rd May

Bank Holiday – Monday 7th June

Summer Holidays – Friday 25th June at 12noon


* School will close at 12noon for Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays only.



Newsletter - September 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians


Welcome Note

On behalf of the staff of Our Lady’s N.S., I would like to welcome each child and parent back to school!!   A special welcome to our new junior infants and to the O’ Shea family.

We wish our Graduates of 2020 all the best in their years ahead in Secondary School.


Thank You

There are many people I wish to thank for their help and support in getting our school ready to re-open safely.

Thank you to the Board of Management for their hard work and support.  Thank you to Evelyn for her hard work during the Summer for having the school looking so well on our return and for her tremendous work on our Schools Enhanced Cleaning Programme.

Thank you to the Board members and Parent volunteers who gave their time and use of their machinery and facilities for the huge task of removing the overgrown trees from our school and for their help in cleaning out the storage unit

The view and the light created have really enhanced our school environment.

Thank you to the Parents Council for all their hard work and for the wonderful job they did in organising our Book Rental Scheme.

Thank you to Liam Ryan for taking over the grass cutting from Michael Kavanagh.

Thank you to Eddie Hearne for installing our beautiful new storage units in the Infant room, for installing the nineteen hand sanitising dispensers, for carrying out repairs in the prefab and many other maintenance jobs throughout the Summer.

Thank you to Pat Walton for powerwashing the school yard.

Thank you to Rose and all the staff for their hard work in decluttering the school , re-organising classrooms and helping with logistics and for their continued engagement with the Schools Enhanced Cleaning Programme.

Thank you to the children and parents for your ongoing support and co-operation in getting back to school safely.



Mrs Egan               Principal                Junior/Senior Infants

Mr Gleeson            Deputy Principal    5th / 6th Class

Mrs O’ Dea                                         1st /2nd Class

Ms Mason                                           3rd / 4th Class

Ms O’ Connor                                      S.E.T

Ms Conway                                          S.E.T 

Mrs O’ Brien                                       S.N.A

Ms Moriarty                                       Supply Teacher

Rose Gahan                                         Secretary

Evelyn Healy                                       Cleaner


I am delighted to welcome our new staff members Ms Conway, Mrs O’ Brien and Ms Moriarty to Our Lady’s N.S.                        


Pupil Personal Insurance

We would encourage all parents to avail of the pupil personal insurance scheme.  This gives 24 hour insurance for your child at the cost of €9 for 24hr cover or €6 for in school cover only.  Please return forms and money to the school by Friday 25th Sept.


Day to Day Rules / Annual Consent Form

Day to Day rules and Annual Consent forms must be signed by all parents/students and returned to the school by Friday 25th Sept please. 



Monday, Wednesday & Friday – Full Uniform

Tuesday & Thursday – P.E. Uniform



We are currently in the process of setting up Aladdin School software for Admin.

Please see attached parent information letter.

Contact Information

Please inform the school if you change your contact details (phone/emails) or address.


Garda Vetting

All parent volunteers who help in any areas of school life must be garda vetted.

Garda Vetting Forms available in the office.

P.E. Programme

GAA Coaching will commence on Tuesday 29th September for 1st – 6th Class with all necessary protocols in place for safety re Covid 19.

Each child needs a change of shoes for the field.

We will start with Football so each child must have their own gumshields.

Hurling will be later in the year, each child must have their own helmet and hurley.



If your child is absent you must write a note stating reason for absence.  It can be written into your child’s diary. *If a pupil is absent 20 days or more we are legally obliged to notify the Education Welfare Board and you will probably receive a visit from Education Welfare Officer.

When infants are absent Mrs Egan will give them a slip to fill in on their return.

Absences may be recorded by parent on the Aladdin App in a few weeks time.


*Requisites Money

We would like to take this opportunity to ask parents who may not yet have sent in the requisites money to do so as soon as possible please.  Thank you to the parents who have already done so.

Junior/Senior Infants €15, 1st to 6th class €17.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of all our staff and students is of paramount importance to school management.

I would strongly urge any parent with any issues related to any area of school life to follow proper procedures in having the matter dealt with.

Please follow all guidelines as per our Schools Logistics Plan already emailed to all parents and also available on our website ourladysns.blogspot.ie. Check emails for updates.

If you have to collect your child early please email the school the day before where possible.


Office Hours

Rose, our secretary is available in the office Mon – Thurs from 9.30am – 1.30pm.


I hope all our school community have a happy and successful year ahead in Our Lady’s N.S.


Thanking you

Mrs Egan