Our Lady's N.S.

Our Lady's N.S.
Our Lady's N.S. is a six teacher primary school in Ballingarry, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Newsletter - December 2019


Dear Parents/Guardians
It’s the season to be jolly and so just a few items of good news before I write the final chapter!

Colin Murray – Artist
Congratulations once again to Colin Murray our 6th Class student who won the RTE News2day Christmas Art Competition with the theme “Christmas is for Everyone”.
We were all very excited and proud of him here in Our Lady’s N.S. and of course we submitted our own tribute as he appeared live on T.V.

Taylor Rose Rice – Credit Union Competition Winner
Congratulations to our First Class student Taylor Rose Rice who won a prize  in the recent Credit Union Art Competition.  She won second prize in the Aged 7 and under Category with her beautiful drawing.

J.E.P (Junior Entrepreneur Programme)
I would like to commend and congratulate 5th/6th Class who took part in the J.E.P this year, for the first time in Our Lady’s N.S.
This is a very exciting and beneficial initiative which will hopefully develop entrepreneurial and business skills for our students.  There were eight products vying to be the “Big Idea”.  In the end the Dragons agreed that “Planet Pens” was the product which ticked the most boxes.
The brainchild of Colin Murray, Planet Pens are reusable pens made out of recycled materials.
Well done to Colin and his team of Oisín, Emman and Michael.
I would also like to thank Mr Gleeson for all his hard work in encouraging and taking the students through the process.
Thanks also to local business woman Jenny Brewer who was part of the Dragon’s Den panel.

·        Christmas Mass/Raffle , Wed 18th at 11am in School Hall
·        Non Uniform/Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday and Friday
·        Holidays at 12noon on Friday 20th.
·        School reopens on Monday, January 6th 2020

New Staff Arrangements for January 2020
·        Mrs Deirdre Egan – Principal(Jnr/Snr Inf)
·        Mrs O’ Dea - 1st/2nd Class
·        Ms Cody – 3rd/4th Class
·        Mr Gleeson – 5th/6th Class
·        Ms O’ Connor – Support Teacher
·        Ms Fitzgerald – Support (Part-Time)

Final Farewell!
As I bid farewell to Our Lady’s N.S. I would like to thank the many members of my team who worked so hard over the past nine years.
The Board of Management, the amazingly devoted and hard working staff, our very supportive and co-operative parent body, our P.P Fr Quirke who visits regularly, Evelyn our multi-talented cleaner, Pat our caretaker and Michael Kavanagh who so caringly looked after the grass cutting and painting.  They have all contributed to the success and the many achievements of our school.
I was blessed to be surrounded and supported by such a team of people and I want to express my deep gratitude to each and everyone for making the past nine years such a happy, memorable and successful time in my teaching career.
But of course a very important part of Our Lady’s are the students.  I have really enjoyed working with all classes over the years and I have been very proud of their many achievements in Primary and secondary School.
The Slieveardagh Hills and Ballingarry and it’s people will always hold a very special place in my heart and I will always cherish the great memories created and shared over the years.
I would like to once again congratulate my successor Mrs Deirdre Egan and wish her every success as the new Principal.
Finally I want to wish all my school community a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a New Year full of joy and happiness.

Le gach dea-ghuí

Ms O’ Sullivan - Principal                                           

Members of Board:
Fr Derry Quirke                Sheila O’ Sullivan               Deirdre Egan          Áine McGrath      
Anne Croke                         Willie McGrath                Tom Butler              Tadhg Vaughan

Friday, 13 December 2019

Junior Entrepreneur Programme

This year, for the very first time, our Fifth and Sixth Class are taking part in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. This is a very exciting and beneficial initiative which will hopefully develop the entrepreneurial and business skills of our students. The programme integrates well across the Curriculum but will have especial relevance to the STEM aspect of our Science programme.

As a first step the students learned a little about entrepreneurship and the characteristic skills necessary to be an entrepreneur. They looked at some famous Irish and international entrepreneurs and realised that they have many entrepreneurs in their locality.

Next came the creative bit, where our students each had to come up with their own product which they could create, market and sell in the school. Twenty nine great ideas were whittled down to the eight most suitable and our students were divided into eight groups in order to develop each idea.

Having been given some time to work on each idea/product the students were then ready to present their product in a Dragon's Den type scenario. Local business woman Jenny Brewer joined Ms O'Sullivan and Mr Gleeson on the Dragon's Den panel to lend some entrepreneurial nous to proceedings.

The presentations were astounding. The pitches were well researched and presented with confidence and aplomb. The eight products vying to be our 'Big Idea' were:
1) Wood Rings and Magnets
2) Happy Holders
3) Just Hang It!
4) Gragaugh Candles
5) Planet Pens
6) Name It! Tag It!
7) Conquer the World
8) Tipp Trees Bird Feeders

The Dragons had a lot to consider. Our 'Big Idea' had to be fun to make, suitable for the classroom and eco friendly as well as being attractive to the consumer! We want to make a bit of money - this is a business after all!

In the end the Dragons agreed that 'Planet Pens' was the product which ticked the most boxes. The brainchild of Colin Murray, Planet Pens are reusable pens made out of recycled materials. Well done to Colin and his team of Oisín, Emma and Michael.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Writers of the Month - September, October, November 2019

 September 'Writers of the Month'

October 'Writers of the Month'

November 'Writers of the Month'

Well done to all. Keep up the good work!

Colin Murray, Artist

We received some amazing news last week when we found out that Sixth Class student, Colin Murray had only gone and won the RTÉ news2day Christmas art competition. The theme for this national competition was 'Christmas is for Everyone' and Colin captured it perfectly with his picture.

His prize involved travelling to the RTÉ studios in Donnybrook and officially turning on their Christmas lights. This huge honour was captured for posterity on live tv. Colin proved to be a natural in front of the cameras and was quite unfazed by all the attention. As part of the feature on Colin we submitted our own tribute to the man of the moment.

Taylor Rose Rice - Credit Union Art Competition Prize Winner!

Congratulations to First Class student Taylor Rose Rice who won a prize in the recent Credit Union Art Competition.
Taylor Rose won second prize in the 'Aged 7 and under' category with this beautiful drawing.

Well done Taylor Rose!!!

Third and Fourth Class Art - 3D Winter Scenes

Third and Fourth class have been busy combining clay, construction, drawing and painting in art class to create these 3D winter scenes. Here is a selection of their finished work.

Class of the Month - September, October, November

We have a bit of a backlog to make up as regards the Class of the Month I'm afraid.
So...here goes (takes a deep breath)....
September - Fifth and Sixth Class
October - Junior and Senior Infants
November - First and Second Class.

Well done to all!

Monday, 18 November 2019

Newsletter - November 2019

Tuesday, November 12th 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians

Halloween is only just over but already we’re looking forward to Christmas.
Some of us will be enjoying a rather longer break than others.  In fact, some people won’t be coming back at all!
That’s right, after 9 wonderful years at the helm of Our Lady’s N.S. and a long and fulfilling teaching career I have taken the decision to retire at the end of December.

Thank you
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents, students and staff for their wonderful hard work during our busy first half term in Our lady’s N.S.
·        Sponsored Walk raised €1035 and huge thanks to all for your support.
·        The Halloween costumes for our Dress-up Day were amazing. A great day of game playing, modelling and fun was had by all.  We raised €335.
Book Fair
·        Due to the success of our Book Fair on October 10th – 17th, we received €657 worth of beautiful good quality books for our school library.  Many thanks again to all families for supporting the book fair and helping your school with this exciting initiative.
·        GOAL Jersey Day
Goal Jersey Day was held on Friday 11th October, the children looked fabulous in their jerseys.  We raised €175 for GOAL.

Christmas Activities
·        Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
We organised 10 shoe boxes for the Shoebox Appeal and children made a huge effort to make the boxes very exciting for all the children receiving them.  This was much appreciated.  No doubt they will put a smile on many faces on Christmas morning!
·        Thinking of Others:
As it is near the season of goodwill and a special time for thinking of others we have once again decided to organise a food collection for the “less well off” in our community and present it to a St Vincent De Paul member at our Christmas Mass on Wednesday Dec 18th at 11am.   One contribution per family will suffice.  Every little helps but please don’t feel under pressure at this time of year.  
·        Christmas Cards in Our Lady’s N.S.
This year we would once again encourage children not to bring in a Christmas Card for every child in their class.  Instead each class is going to have a “Christmas Card Kris Krindle”.  Each child will be given plain card and an envelope to bring home to make a card for a friend, whose name they pulled out of a hat.  They must put this in the “Class Post Box” before Monday December 16th and they will be “delivered” in time for Christmas holidays.

·        Christmas Mass/Raffle
This year our Bumper Raffle will take place on Wednesday 18th December after the Christmas Mass.  As always we have a huge array of fabulous prizes.  Tickets will go home to all families on Monday, December 2nd, return by Monday 16th Dec.  All parents welcome to attend. 
·        Christmas Annuals
Christmas Annuals are available in the school for €3, school children only, no extra books can be ordered!
Junior/Senior Infants – Carnival   -    1st / 2nd Class – Fairground
3rd / 4th Class – Parade                   -   5th / 6th Class – Festival
Every child who buys an annual will automatically be entered into a free draw  for Christmas Chocolate hampers.
Money needs to be in by Friday 6th December.
·        Please ensure that infants are collected promptly at 2pm
·        As per our school rules students must wear full uniform to school except on gym days where they are obliged to wear the school tracksuit and appropriate runners for health and safety reasons.
·        Homework: Homework is given to all pupils on a regular basis.  We ask you to ensure that it is done carefully and the child’s journal signed (1st – 6th) each night.
·        Requisites Reminder: If anyone has overlooked payment of requisites, €21 for 1st – 6th and €15 for infants, please forward to the school at your earliest convenience.

·        School Lunches
Please check Carambola website for updates/menu changes on school lunches.  Please talk to your child and change their menu choices regularly online.  We encourage all children to eat their healthy lunches in school.

Upcoming Events
Tues 12th Nov
Taster Day – Presentation Convent for 5th & 6th Class
Tues 19th & Wed 20th Nov
Parent/Teacher meetings - all Classes

Mon 18th Nov
Hearing & Vision Screening –Jnr Infants
Friday 13th Dec
Final swimming lessons for 3rd to 6th Class students

Wednesday, December 18th at 11am
Christmas Mass Celebration in School Library
Bumper Christmas Raffle

Friday, December 20th  

Christmas Holidays – 12noon
Monday, January 6th 2020
Return to school

Thanking you once again for your continued support.
 Sheila O’ Sullivan (Principal)

Members of Board:
Fr Derry Quirke                Sheila O’ Sullivan              Deirdre Egan          Áine McGrath
Anne Croke                      Willie McGrath                  Tom Butler               Tadhg Vaughan

Friday, 1 November 2019


Halloween was a scream again this year at Our Lady's.

Liam McCarthy

We had a few very special guests to Our Lady's during October. We were delighted to welcome back old friend Liam McCarthy, accompanied this time by Seamus Callanan, Tipp captain. Our thanks go out to Dinny Maher who organised the visit.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Cross Country

On September 26th our 3rd to 6th Class students represented the school in the Co Tipperary Cross Country Championships in Thurles. Well done to all who took part and a big thank you to Marie Corbett for helping to prepare our young athletes.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Of Interest to Parents

Newsletter - September 2019

Wednesday, 5th September 2019

D.L.P – Ms O’ Sullivan
D.D.L.P – Mrs Egan

Welcome Note
On behalf of the staff of Our Lady’s N.S., I would like to welcome each child and parent to the beginning of a new school year.  A special welcome to our new junior infants, and also to the Ivors family.  Welcome back also to our hardworking Parents Council and many thanks to them for the wonderful job in organising our Book Rental Scheme.  I would also like to thank Evelyn, our cleaner for having our school looking so well on our return,  Pat Walsh, our caretaker for all his hard work, Michael Kavanagh for attending to our grass cutting and Eddie Hearne for installing our beautiful new storage units in Mr Gleeson’s and Mrs O’ Dea’s rooms.

Pupil Personal Insurance
We would encourage all parents to avail of the pupil personal insurance scheme.  This gives 24 hour insurance for your child at the cost of €9 for 24hr cover or €6 for in school cover only.  Please return forms and money to the school by Friday 13th Sept.

Day to Day Rules / Annual Consent Form
Day to Day rules and Annual Consent forms must be signed by all parents/students and returned to the school by Friday 13th Sept please. 

Contact Information
We are in the process of updating all our school contact info for all families.
We have noted our text-a-parent costing are quite expensive.  We would appreciate just one contact number (where possible) per family for text-a-parent purposes.  Other emergency contact numbers will be kept on file.
Your email address would also be helpful for forwarding any school policies being reviewed or implemented during the year.

Garda Vetting
All parent volunteers who help in any areas of school life must be garda vetted.
Garda Vetting Forms available in the office.  Any parents wishing to accompany infants swimming must be garda vetted.

P.E. Programme
GAA Coaching will continue in the school again this year for 1st to 6th class.  Pupils must wear helmets and school tracksuit.  Mrs Egan’s class wear school tracksuit on Mondays and Thursdays.  Mrs O’ Dea’s class wear tracksuits on Tuesdays and Fridays, 3rd to 6th classes wear tracksuits up to mid-term.  Gum shields will be needed for football training from 1st - 6th Class for November, December and January.
Shorts/Polo shirts may be worn up to end of September.
On P.E days please ensure children wear suitable footwear.
For G.A.A training from 1st – 6th all students need a change of footwear for the field.
Full uniform every other day please.

If your child is absent you must write a note stating reason for absence.  It can be written into your child’s diary. *If a pupil is absent 20 days or more we are legally obliged to notify the Education Welfare Board and you will probably receive a visit from Education Welfare Officer.
When infants are absent Mrs Egan will give them a slip to fill in on their return.

Graduates of 2019
Congratulations once again to our Graduates of 2019.  We wish them well in the years ahead.  A big “Thank you” to them for the beautiful gift of a Cherry Blossom tree.

*Requisites Money
We would like to take this opportunity to ask parents who may not yet have sent in the requisites money to do so as soon as possible please.  Thank you to the parents who have already done so.
Junior/Senior Infants €15, 1st to 6th class €21 this money covers homework journal, art & craft materials, photocopying, standardised tests, S.A.E. for reports

Health and Safety
The health and safety of all our staff and students is of paramount importance to school management.
I would strongly urge any parent with any issues related to any area of school life to follow proper procedures in having the matter dealt with.

  • As per our school rules students must wear full uniform to school except on gym days where they are obliged to wear the school tracksuit and appropriate runners for health and safety reasons.  Due to recent regulations gum shields are now obligatory for football training. 
  • School Lunches
Please check Carambola website for updates/menu changes on school lunches.  Please talk to your child and change their menu choices regularly online.  We encourage all children to eat their healthy lunches in school.

  • Headlice
We are asking ALL parents to PLEASE PLEASE check your child's hair on a regular basis and treat immediately if infected. This has to be done in order to avoid re-infecting others.

  • Policies on Blog:
All relevant School Policies are available for viewing on the school blog at: ourladysns.blogspot.ie

·        Homework:
Homework is given to all pupils on a regular basis.  We ask you to ensure that it is done carefully and child’s journal signed (1st – 6th class) each night.
Infants do not have a homework Journal.
The health & safety of all staff and students is of paramount importance to School Management.  I would strongly urge any parent with any issues related to any area of school life to follow proper procedures in having the matter dealt with.

Dates for the diary
Thurs 26th Sept
Cross Country- 3rd – 6th Class
Sun, October 6th 
Sponsored Walk
Oct 10th -17th 
Book Fair
Fri, Oct 11th
GOAL Jersey Day
 18th, 25th Oct,  8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th Nov,
6th & 13th Dec
Swimming Dates – 3rd to 6th Class
Tues 12th & Wed 13th Nov
Parent/Teacher meetings
Fri, Oct 25th, return Mon Nov 4th
Halloween Mid-Term Break
Fancy Dress / Games Playing / Mini Cake Sale
Monday, 9th Dec
School Closed
12noon Fri 20th Dec, return Mon Jan 6th 2020
Christmas Holidays.

Office Hours
Rose, our secretary is available in the office Mon – Thurs from 9.30am – 1.30pm.

I hope all our school community have a happy and successful year ahead in “Our Lady’s N.S.”.

Thanking you

Ms S O’ Sullivan

Members of Board:
Fr Derry Quirke                Sheila O’ Sullivan               Deirdre Egan          Áine McGrath
Anne Croke                      Willie McGrath                   Tom Butler               Tadhg Vaughan