3rd and 4th class have been very busy
in the first term. Cormac has recounted
all the happenings of the class:
“When we came back from the summer holidays we started
training for cross country. At the end
of September we went to Thurles to do cross country. In September, we also did lines in art, we
learned about the Stone Age, the counties and big numbers.
At the start of October we went on to multiplication, the
Bronze Age and patterns in art. The end
of October was very busy. We were baking
Halloween creatures, we started swimming, did cross country in Clonmel and had
a Halloween party.
After the Halloween Holidays we started division, fractions,
Greek Myths and paint. We did more
swimming lessons and we made board games.
We also started clay, knitting and tin whistle. We grew plants and were learning about food
chains. We started measuring the
temperature with thermometers.
Coming up to Christmas we started length and 3-D shapes,
making shapes out of pipe cleaners and cardboard. We started electricity in Science and made
our own circuit quizzes. We also make
lots of different Christmas Art and created our own Christmas Haikus.”